Wednesday, January 11, 2017

30 - How to Rank from sub 1000 to 2000 in Competitive Overwatch, guide

I would like to try to add some columns and posts to the site let me know what you think?
I posted this on reddit.

I came out of 900 and have risen to above 2,000 currently on PS4 and 1,600 on PC for 2 seasons now and would like to share what I have learned.

Here are some tricks that work for both console and PC.

No one will want to talk to you when your in "wood" tier, bc they are either a child with no mic or a pouting adult. So, do all the talking for the team, even if no one is listening. Be nice about it. Niceness will go further to a "W" than rudeness.

Do not tell people what to pick this will cause distrust between you and them and the rest of the team.

Only be encouraging if you get frustrated turn your mic off. Encouragement goes a long way to helping self esteem, even if they are a salty a-hole.

Try playing without a mic. Focus more on the game instead of talking and playing, let someone else deal with it.

If you play comp when kids are on chances are you are playing with kids they just need extra encouragement or sometimes help defining the objective. Ex. kill the soldier, stay on the point please, ...

Don't rush in alone if 3 people die group back up if they don't listen to you wait and go with somone else.

If you win a match try to group up with the other people. (Although I have found that I can solo win better than group win, this season).

Be the person willing to switch if you need too. Know what is happening to your entire team. Each question is very situational and can have a variety of answers but this is what I do.

1.Are you getting eliminated to fast? Switch to a tank or a different hero, or just play right next to another player and tell them, we are going to play this round together.

2. Is your team dying around you? Switch to a healer or tank. If you don't know at least one hero in every category you should not be playing comp.

3. Are you having trouble getting eliminations? Switch to Soldier or someone you feel comfortable knowing you can start getting people knocked out.

4. Is your team having trouble getting eliminations? Switch to Zen he can discord and help get kills quickly

5. Is your team not staying on the objective? Switch to Pharah to do crowd control or ask nicely to play on the objective the enemy team is tricking us to not do "x".

6. This one player on the team is wrecking us (ex. Zarya) how do we counter her? If your team will not cooperate and help kill that single person try this... In this case I use the pro meta mentality, switch to (ex. Zarya) and play her better than the other person.

Or just find other people to play with on a regular, playing with friends is always more fun than playing with randos.

Hope that helps.

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